
2 Cents Worth

Let's set awhile and visit and drink us a cup of coffee, this time change Joe is still snoozing and of course I'm up, wish I could sleep like he does!!!!! He was mowing and he came in the house and said, 'Carol you have a friend in the backyard!' I said, 'Did you kill it if not I'm not going in the backyarad!'He said 'It wasn't a snake Carol it was a cotton tail rabbit!' I told him I hadn't seen a cotton tail rabbit in so long I wouldn't even know what it was, so we have a little friend living in our backyard, hope the cats and dogs don't kill it. Yesterday evening when Joe and I were watering out of the barrels I saw some bees around my flowers!!!!!! I was so glad to see them, I told them welcome I am so glad you came to visit me and my flowers, I love the bees. I already have butterflies and I've got to hang out my hummingbird feeders so maybe I will have some of them. Everything seems to be early this year, my blue bonnets are so pretty, Joe has him some in the backyard and they are his blue bonnets!!!!!!! I have been resetting Mom's petunias that come back every year, the seed fell down my the steps so I've been resetting them in pots sure don't want to lose those seed, they are the old fashioned petunias that have been handed down and I'm the only one that has them now, Jay and Brian have both lost theirs.

Take me out to the ball game

“Well, it took me 17 years to get 3,000 hits in baseball, and I did it in one afternoon on the golf course.” -Hank Aaron You may fall into the camp of “baseball is the most boring sport known to man.” Fair enough. It is true that you sit and watch and sometimes nothing, absolutely nothing, happens that merits excitement.

Faces & Places

“In this hair and with this dress, I look pretty. The kind of pretty that allows monsters to deceive people into forests, into dances where they will find their doom.” Holly Black, The Stolen Heir It was the most beautiful dress I had ever seen in my 14 years, especially for a poor girl. Lorie, my cousin, the soon-to-be bride, suggested that the dressmaker give it a few nips and tucks to make it fit my small waist.

The First Law of Community

Have you ever heard of the first law of thermodynamics? Thermodynamics is the study of heat, temperature, and energy, and their relationship to one another, as an offshoot of physics. There are four general laws of thermodynamics that explain the basic principles.

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am glad to see in your letter of resignation that you are showing the citizens your true colors. You are a lying, petty, vindictive, and unremorseful person.

A Trip to the Rio Grand Valley

I’ve been going to the Rio Grand Valley for more than fifty years. When I first went there, towns were separated by brush country. You would go to one city, then travel thru non-populated areas then you would come to another city. It’s not that way now. It’s hard to find much rural country. Nearly all the cities are backed up to each other and it’s hard to tell when you leave one city and go to the next one. The population of the valley continues to grow and now stands at about 1.2 million.


Tributaries bubbling from the eternal well-spring of public meetings, join those reservoirs of long-cultivated as well as confidential sources and mix with filtered data from public records or those anonymously slipped through mail slots and make for a deep and steady stream of information to dip your news bucket into during any given week.

2 Cents Worth

Grab you a cup of coffee and visit with me awhile, we had rain over the weekend, hurrah got 8 tenths here in town Saturday and got 2 tenths during the night sometime. I hope it does this all year like this so our farmers and ranchers can have a wet year to grow their crops and make the pastures pretty. The little yellow flowers are a blanket in the pastures now so pretty, won't be long the blue bonnets will be blooming, mine in the yard are starting too. Don't you know the hill country will be out of this world gorgeous this year. I have not heard from my cousin in Harper telling me they are blooming in his yard, he always has a pretty yard of wild flowers every spring. I told you when I wrote about Rotan and what stores it used to have and I was sure someone one let me know!!!!!! Well I agreed I left out the most important one, 'John Mercer's Hamburger place' that was the most important one for us kids and everyone else in Rotan. Those hamburgers were out of this word good, hit the door running from school to John's grab that hamburger and back to school!!!!

Letters to the Editor Policy

The Double Mountain Chronicle welcomes Letters to the Editor for possible publication in the newspaper. A Letter to the Editor must be original, signed by the writer, and include the address and phone number of the writer. Only the name of the writer and the city will be published with the letter. The phone number and address are necessary for verification and clarification of the content of the letter.

Massive wildfires ignited by power lines

Two wildfires that burned more than 1 million acres in the Panhandle were caused by downed power lines, according to the Texas A&M Forest Service. Juan Rodriguez, with the service, told the Texas Standard that its law enforcement investigators had concluded their probe into the source of the Smokehouse Creek and Windy Deuce fires.